Procurement Due Diligence: Illuminating an Asian sugar market

Gaining a deep understanding of a domestic sugar markets in remote geographies can be challenging and subject to quick and radical changes.  

Our client is a major food and beverage corporation who were looking to acquire a local bottling operation in Asia. As sugar is one of their critical procurement ingredients, our client asked CZ to perform a due diligence study on the local sugar market including pricing, imports/exports and consequential ‘red flags’ in white sugar procurement. 

CZ Approach

  • We were able to use our local expertise and regional presence to comment on the evolving sugar landscape.
  • Vast volume of in-house data sources and explainers produced by our analysis team.
  • External resources including conversations with sugar regulators and local market experts. 

CZ Solution:

Delivered a complete due diligence and ‘red flag report to our client to highlight the sugar procurement challenges they may face domestically and propose potential CZ physical solutions for them. 


CZ realises that the status of domestic sugar regime can change rapidly, driven both by environmental and geopolitical factors.  

Given the global supply chain challenges that many organisations face, being able to have an accurate portrayal of potential procurement issues is vital to ensure a smooth acquisition transition process. 

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